
56 Mostyn Street
Castlemaine, VIC 3450
P: (03) 5470 6277
E: [email protected]


About the Area


Clean fresh air, rolling farmland, historic architecture, safe leafy streets, internationally famous gardens, including the grand Botanical Gardens, vineyards and wineries, art galleries, its own State Festival for the Arts, a wide range of restaurants (from posh to populist), golf courses and sporting facilities, heritage sites, thousands of acres of pristine bush filled with wild life – and a lot of friendly people who love and care about their area.

Our community is strong with broad interests – the arts, sustainability and Land care Groups, historical societies, U3A, sporting clubs to name but a few!

Unlike most of the regional centres in Australia that appeal to tourists, weekenders and holiday makers, Castlemaine is supported by strong local industry. This solid business base generates considerable prosperity, confidence and pride. It also gives the area an atmosphere of substance and authenticity.

Add to these benefits, outstanding health care and aged services and broad education facilities, including a secondary college and Steiner school, regular and efficient rail and transport services, high quality and organic food produce at your finger tips and you have something unique – not just in Victoria but in all Australia and perhaps the world! A big claim for a small town – put it to the test!